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  • Writer's pictureMike Cobb

A night when strangers became friends, united by a mutual appreciation for the joys of life

As the sun began to set on fulfilling day of touring and shopping, a NEOM colleague from Lebanon extended a generous invitation to local restaurant, Reef & Ra3’eef ريف ورغيف. He was excited to share his culture and for us to discover the vibrant world of Lebanese cuisine. Little did we know that this evening would not only satiate our taste buds but also open the doors to cultural exchange and the forging of new friendships.

With our colleague as our guide, we embarked on a culinary extravaganza, delighting in the flavors and textures of the meticulously prepared dishes that adorned our table.

From the first bite, it became evident that Lebanese cuisine is a tapestry woven with diverse flavors and influences. Each dish offered a unique combination of spices, herbs, and fresh ingredients, creating a harmonious symphony of taste. Our taste buds danced with joy as we savored classics such as falafel, hummus, and tabbouleh, appreciating the simplicity and authenticity of these timeless dishes.

As we indulged in the various delicacies, our colleague enlightened us about the significance of food in Lebanese culture. He shared how food is not merely a means of sustenance but a symbol of hospitality and communal harmony. Sharing meals with loved ones and strangers alike is deeply ingrained in Lebanese traditions, and through this act, bonds are strengthened and friendships are formed.

The evening went beyond just a dining expereince as it became an opportunity for cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. Our colleague shared anecdotes about Lebanon's rich history, vibrant traditions, and the warmth of its people. As the conversations flowed, we discovered shared values, dreams, and aspirations, realizing that despite our differences, we are all connected through our love for food and the desire to connect with others.

The night resulted in laughter, storytelling, and a sense of camaraderie and a shared love for the beauty of cultural diversity. It was


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