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  • Writer's pictureMike Cobb

Bow Ties Build Teams ?

There's something undeniably delightful about finding common ground with colleagues. Recently, It has been fun to have a few of my fellow colleagues sport bow ties. There is an indescribable power in witnessing a team coming together, seen through small demonstrations. Within the context of professional environments, these instances of collective harmony have the potential to create transformative experiences. By recognizing and celebrating the small demonstrations of camaraderie and support within a team, we can observe the growth of impactful relationships and the remarkable impact they have on individuals and organizations alike.

The sight of colleagues trying a new look with a bow tie reminds me of the power of community. It serves as a visible reminder that, beyond the professional realm, relationships are key to all great collaborations. This small action is a

sign of our shared connection. Often, it's the seemingly small gestures and demonstrations within a team that have the most significant impact. These acts of support, encouragement, and collaboration may appear minor on the surface, but they create a ripple effect that permeates the entire team. These simple gestures build trust, foster a sense of belonging, and strengthen the bonds between team members.

I am grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn with amazing people.

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